Admanager has settings for “enabled” and “disabled” media. Select the ads you want to include, and the time frame to play those ads. They are managed into categories; Upcoming
, Current
, and Expired
based on their timeframe.
If the current date/time is in the timeframe for that media “Current Ads”, it will get moved to the enabled
genre. If the current date/time is outside the timeframe for that media “Expired Ads” and “Upcoming Ads”, it will get moved to the disabled
This allows you to schedule the enabled
genre on playlists. Any enabled ads (within timeframe) will play while any disabled ads (outside timeframe) will be excluded. Additional functionality can be used with Advanced searches, to purge all items that have expired.
Drag media item into AdManager. Window pops up, Set start and stop dates.
A more automated scheme is to create a dynamic segment in a scheduled Play List for your ad media EG _Media has the word CFET in description, Category is PSA Audio and Genre is Enabled in PL with this criteria. When Playlist looks to play Dynamic Segment, it will look for media that has “CFET” in description, Category “PSA Audio” and is Genre “Enabled”. Adding future media items to library with Dynamic segment set will ingest into Playlist with matching searches.
When media finishes it’s run, it changes the genre to disabled automatically and places the media in the Expired
queue. Filters will not play items that have genre Disabled
Double click from From Expired list and individually delete expired items. Delete multiple expired items by running a saved search for “Genre = Disable”. Highlight and delete all media items marked Disabled (expired) to remove from AdManager and library.
Only one category may be managed. In example we have AdManager running PSA Audio.
Admin>Media Settings
Create Genres Enabled
and Disabled
associated with on category.
Access the Setup window from Admin menu. Set the time zone of Player to be managed by AdManager
In AdManager Settings, Select the Category of media to be managed and choose the Enabled
and Disabled
for the category.
Cron job required to adjust the category/genre.
* * * * * wget -qO- --post-data="c=obadmanager&a=adjust_media&d={}" https://IP_of_Server/api.php &> /dev/null
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